I woke up early this morning, Independence Day in America. Our country continues to be under siege from Donald Trump and his cronies. Those of us with any sense are praying that he will be convicted and sentenced.
The whole world is under the threat of autocracy; it seems to be an evil theme in so many countries. It is hard to tear our attention away from it, but thankfully there is a higher world. It resides in each of us. It is up to us to live our lives free of conflict. Oh, I know how hard it is, believe me. No matter how much we believe in truth, our egos continually deny it, just as the disciples did.
Since time is only a measurement of eternity, it doesn’t really matter. I am growing old at my Mac, pounding out essay after essay about what is really going on with us. “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,” sums up the nature of the ego. It isn’t going to give up without a fight.
“The world, the flesh and the devil” take up a lot of time in our brief lives here on earth. We are hypnotized and habituated by evil in high places.
Yet solace can be found. I lose myself in thought all day long and thought is the enemy of spirit. So I watch this happening and if I am lucky, I can briefly break the spell.
We have to be at least as persistent as evil. And the definition of evil is mechanicalness. We, like Pinocchio, are at present, mere wooden dolls. But biblical promises are made about that. “Wake, thou that sleepest….”
By the way, Vicki is not who is writing these essays. Oh, her hands are at the keyboard, but something higher is also happening in spite of her reluctance to truly let go and let God.
She sleeps on and she is paying a steep price to remain comfortable in this world. That is not possible, even while she thinks she may have a shot at it. Perhaps she can have a taste of inner joy, but only when she lets go of everything that keeps her hypnotized by her own desires.
Vicki Woodyard