Posts by Vicki

Vicki Woodyard is the author of Life With A Hole In It and A Guru in the Guest Room. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and has been writing online for over ten years.

The Spaces In-Between

I am typing words onto the screen of my Mac. They unfold into the mystery of the spaces in-between.

There is a quietude within the spaces that is higher than the words.

The sun is just now coming up and I have had my breakfast.

What else is there to say?

I could say that the silence is always in-between and beyond the words of human beings.

Consider the silence in-between the natural world’s unfolding. Is it more powerful than we know?

For the unknown claims back the silence as night claims back the day.

We mortals are merely momentary appearances in eternal silence.

The Queen lies in state and the world goes on.

Words are not the thing.

Silence is.

Vicki Woodyard

The Merry-Go-Round of Time

Yesterday and tomorrow have no relevance in the larger sense. Perhaps that is why Jesus said to “take no thought for tomorrow.”

And this quote:

“Tomorrow may never come to us. We do not live in tomorrow. We cannot find it in any of our title-deeds. The man who owns whole blocks of real estate, and great ships on the sea, does not own a single minute of tomorrow. Tomorrow! It is a mysterious possibility, not yet born. It lies under the seal of midnight–behind the veil of glittering constellations.”~ E. H. Chapin

And so we live as egos, fragile things that they are! The ego is a fretter, a whiner and a moaner. It masquerades in order to fool other egos. Let that sink in.

The more I study Vicki, the more restless she becomes, because she prefers the glitter which turns bitter. Knowing her days on earth are numbered (as are everyone’s), she nevertheless wastes her days in idle speculation, outright fear and abject failure. I can say this because I have been studying her for years. She never learns; she only speculates on what tomorrow might bring.

The Real “I” is nameless and formless, while the false ego frets only about itself and its inevitable decline.

Yesterday I wrote about Surajit Basat and his ultimate disappearance from Facebook. I spent time yesterday reading some of his wise words. As far as I know, he lived in poverty, yet was content to share what he knew via his phone. Now he is a mere vapor trail….as are we all.

He was from India and was used to poverty, whereas we in the United States do not know such dire conditions.

Well, that’s it for this morning. See you tomorrow (which may never come, of course.)

Vicki Woodyard

What Are You Feeding On?

What are you feeding on?

It’s pretty simple. Hummingbirds feed on nectar. They don’t get confused and try eating oats! Horses know that nectar is not for them, but we human beings are always feeding on the wrong things!

Human beings don’t follow their instincts like animals do. They follow the flock but they are not sheep. They do things against themselves. They shoot up and drink booze and become shopoholics.

Not only that, they fall into religious beliefs and find themselves buried alive under stacks of Gideon Bibles. They wear beads and chant; they attend revivals and become born again. But nothing satisfies them for long.

What to do? Reading more articles is not the answer. Following the most popular non-duality teacher is not the answer.

The answer is sought after in all the wrong places, outside of the Self that we are.

We are universally One and we know it not.

We are blind leading the blind. We are hummingbirds feeding on offal.

No wonder the world is what it is.

The truth must be told.

What is the truth?

Your own inner knowing is the only truth that will satisfy you. And it will first alienate you from your fellow human beings that preach that you must care for this world. That is not your duty. Your duty is to yourself. That is how you care for the world.

End of sermon.

Vicki Woodyard

Is Justice A Dead End?

I manage to hold it together day in and day out, but occasionally common sense breaks through! And I feel a spell of it coming on.

Since Trump instigated the attack on our Capitol on January 6 of last year, common sense has been hiding under a rock somewhere and no one has been able to find it.

After billions of words written about our man Traitor Trump, nothing has been done to hold him accountable. Why is that?

Everyone is bending over backwards to give him a fair shake; that is precisely why. Because he once led the land; that is, until he decided to appropriate it for himself for life. Luckily that didn’t happen.

Now it seems that he has misappropriated documents that are marked Secret and once again, we must give this robber a fair shake.

I write year in and year out and let me tell you, I understand the simplest concepts, one of them being innocent until proven guilty and he has been proven guilty time and time again.

My heart was broken a long time ago but I can still write meaningful sentences and yet Trump is not held accountable for death and destruction right here in the United States of America.

He is a cancer on our government and his followers and supporters are all lumped into the category of willing participants in his royal scam.

Yes, he has bilked unsuspecting people out of their hard-earned money. He is a grifter, a con man and most importantly, someone to this day held unaccountable.

I have said my piece.

Justice may never be done and that is a lousy cryin’ shame.

Vicki Woodyard

A Lazy Sunday Morning

I didn’t sleep well night before last, but I slept so well last night that I am still half-asleep. I do not think that Donald Trump is sleeping well at all these days. Some are saying that even if he is convicted, a former President should not be charged with any crimes. I disagree, but I am just another citizen!

The Self in us all is not a resident of any country. That should be perfectly clear, but nothing in this world is ever perfect or even clear.

What can I do as a spiritual student when the world is going to hell in a hand basket and when climate change is bearing down on us all? I can do nothing of myself and let me be perfectly clear, my personal self is an illusion, no matter how real it feels.

Feelings arise and fall away. Emotions get supercharged and often get acted out, sad to say. “We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

So let us confess our sins to our Higher Self, which is our true nature. We are always forgiven, yet we feel otherwise. We wallow in our self-imposed guilt until it wears off and we sin again, having forgotten so quickly that we have no free will.

So what does Vicki do when she faces another day of sleepwalking through this life? She has breakfast and writes an essay and then posts it. She may restlessly read the Sunday paper and have coffee and a snack.

Her emotions run to pessimism about democracy and guilt over things that happened in her past. She no longer has a social life, thus can enjoy the freedom that implies. But she still feels chained.

Feeling chained is a trick of the False Self, as Vernon Howard called it. They clank noisily as she goes about her predestined day. God on high is always with her and yet she flounders around like a fish out of water.

Where is God in all of this suffering? That is a very important question that should be asked again and again.

The answer is that He is everywhere and we are nowhere. So how can we pray if we do not exist as individuals?

We pray to awaken to God’s promises. “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Once you find this “I” you are awake, even if only for a moment.

It is good to find words of hope that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day. They are your guide out of the gloom and doom of this lost world.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”

Fear is a master of disguise but it is never real. It is transitory but if we pay attention to it, we can then call on God to break the spell of this world. The promise is redemption and we all need it. Amen!

Vicki Woodyard

Dear Readers….

Dear Readers,

I haven’t had much to say these last few days about awakening. Trump and Queen Elizabeth have been too much in the news. The first, a lying and manipulative human being, and the second being a much beloved monarch of the United Kingdom who has passed on.

Our inner work is 90% watching in silence what we are doing and feeling. The other 10% is involved in letting ourselves know how stressed we are.

Yesterday was a waste of time for me. I let myself get agitated about Trump and that led to my continually going to sleep. Not literal sleep but figurative sleep.

I ate too much sugar and found myself fretting over how long it will take to bring Trump to justice. Merrick Garland knows what to do; he is just being impeded from doing it!

Christ said many things about the world; namely, that His Kingdom is not here. Human beings have freedom of choice, or so it would seem, but the Christ-consciousness sees how the truth is hampered by evil in high places.

It is recommended that we do not take action in the world. Instead we are to witness what is going on both inside and outside of ourselves. This takes energy that we spend erratically. Soon we find ourselves in a state of emotional fatigue.

So today, please try and witness how tired and frustrated you are. There is a simple solution to it: Witness rather than fight. See rather than walk about in blinders. Love rather than hate.

Walk on above the storms of this impermanent life. Justice will prevail in the Higher World but not here.

Vicki Woodyard

The Light Always Wins

The Self is betrayed by the self with a small “s.”

Sometimes it is dark outside and also dark inside. And often it is light outside but still dark inside. Adjectives are never adequate in some situations. Our justice system is cracking under the load of one Donald J. Trump. We await his indictment.

Should this happen, his toadies and lackeys will cry foul, when it is he that is foul for besmirching our nation with his “post-presidency collection,” which should include an orange jumpsuit.

The innocent believers, bilked as they are, still keep their eyes slightly closed to his serious behavior. They hold up signs at his “rallies” and playact as he encourages them to do.

We shall see how the chips will fall tomorrow.

This behavior of a former President is vile and undeniably dangerous.

The Self in all beings has given up on Donald J. Trump. Vernon Howard would have pronounced him “Damaged Beyond Repair.”

If he is not tried by the Justice Department, he is nevertheless tried by a Higher Power.

Darkness cannot touch light, however hard it may try.

Ask for light and it will be given.

Justice from the Court of Love is available when one asks for it. But if it is sneered at, the guilty will be unable to move into the light.

The light always wins.

Vicki Woodyard

A Frustrated Saturday Night

It’s Saturday night of this Labor Day Weekend and I am frustrated with Trump not being taken into custody yet. His violent rhetoric should be enough to get him locked up. Then I remember that “My kingdom is not of this world.”

Awakening to the truth is not easy. I have been trying most of my adult life to shake myself awake enough to feel freer than I currently do.

Why should I expect anything from a sleeping world? And I include myself in that description.

Not only is Planet Earth being destroyed by its inhabitants, they are also laying waste their inner lives. Political rhetoric is poisonous and evil.

I live apart from the world these days. My son and I share a home but sometimes I go for days in a row without talking to anyone much, including him.

I write these notes from a lifetime of studying truth. If I have anything of value to add to the world, it is my concentration on what matters the most. Oh, Vicki is not writing these notes, btw. Something in her is responsible for the essays, but Vicki is too busy eating sugar and watching TV to be of much help to me.

I find Donald Trump to be the most dangerous man on earth, as his cousin has called him. He is intent on the destruction of everything beautiful in our country. And truth is the most beautiful thing that there is.

Vicki is full of herself, so she knows that other people are the same as she is. We all want things that we cannot have, but Trump wants violence and hatred! We should all be afraid of what he does next.

Let us remember only one thing: God is in charge of us all. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

Surrender to Truth is the only sensible option and let the chips fall where they may.

Vicki Woodyard

A Strange Mood

I woke up in a strange mood this morning. I ate breakfast and then went back to bed. Rain threatens and I feel heavy and lifeless. Doom looms large over the American landscape—indeed over the world.

Decades ago I had a prophetic dream where I was inside a mountain radiating yellow and purple. I sat with American Indians and heard this prophecy given: “There will be years of rain followed by an Ice Age.” The rains have already begun, due to global warming.

I am not a prophet but occasionally I get a big dream and that is the biggest one that I can recall.

Words fail me in the presence of prophecy. What is there to say and to whom? Are we not one in our essence? Is that not how we were created?

The social scene is an illusion, as is the political one. What we are left with is truth with a capital “T.”

Words are not the thing; being is.

We must rely only on the Self and its purity; all else is mumbo jumbo.

Vicki Woodyard

Fall Housekeeping

Fall is a time of housekeeping on every level. This morning I found myself making lists of problems needing to be solved. Mostly they are about the yard. Trees needing to be trimmed and the lawn over-seeded. Things like that make me anxious since I don’t seem to ever make good choices in this area.

I solved the anxiety by eating way too much chocolate. This 3-day holiday weekend has left me too much time to fret, that’s for sure.

I am looking over my life these days and I see that surely most of the worst parts are behind me. Those are the death of my daughter and of my husband. I can take other things in stride.

My gift this life has been essay-writing. It is like spinning straw into gold for me. I can take the pains and make essays out of them that hopefully help my readers. For we are all alike when it comes to love and loss.

The words I have written may be forgotten but at the moment they are written they contain meaning for me and so I put them down in cyberspace.

I remember being a young mother with a dying daughter. I remember being a wife with a dying husband. Now I don’t so much remember as reflect on how my life has gone. I am someone that has found meaning in spiritual teachings. They are hidden everywhere and usually they are just hints and possibilities.

My son and I seldom talk about our losses; instead we live in the present moment, which is filled with its own dilemmas. Nothing in life is without meaning if you are eager to grow, even the difficulties.

The hardest lessons have the hardest solutions, naturally. That is why Vernon Howard appealed to me; he always made me pay attention when I read or listened to him. I had no idea that I would become a writer that would pass on some of the gold that he gave me.

Vicki Woodyard