I woke up this morning having slept unusually well last night. I had a big dream. It was not a rational dream; rather it was all about the irrational. These were the bullet items:
Our old dog Bonnie was dying. This was the family dog before I married and moved away. I sat with her for a very long time, just mourning her weakened condition (she was just a pile of bones) All I did was sit with my own compassion for her and at the end of this long period, she came back to life, was fleshed out in front of my eyes.
Bob was still sick and we needed to buy a new mattress. Then the dream scene changed and we were with Bob’s oncologist, Perry. In real life, he retired at age 65 and is now traveling the world. He is divorced and the last I heard he was traveling with his sister to exotic places.
In the dream he was very excited about his new passion. Seems he had met a man who had written a book about possibility. Now he and his wife were both into the new concepts the man was teaching.
I listened with great interest while Bob acted in a very embarrassing way to me. He was making fun of what Perry said while I was deeply interested. Perry said if we dropped by our old Cancer Center, he believed we could get a copy of the man’s book there.
I said that the Director was alienating people by her attitude. Perry said that people were coming back now.
Perry continued to talk about the things he learned from this author. He had spent ten hours on a flight to Viet Nam and although the flight was hard, the trip was well worth the long flight.
Perry said he had always been interested in off-the-wall things like this man was writing about. I remember Perry saying something to the effect that if you took some sort of a bag with you, you could put your head in it and discover these amazing things that you never thought of before.
So we dropped by the Cancer Center and I only recognized one person, a Facilitator there. I asked about getting the book and was given only a very slim pamphlet. I knew the book was big, so I wanted to get the whole book and they said I could order it.
Now I remember another snippet from the dream. We were out of dog food so I sent our son to get some more. He was gone a long time but only came back with bird seed. I was annoyed but he explained that it was a logical decision. He could feed the bird and somehow by doing so, he could then get the dog some food.
It was indeed a big dream about the possibility of change and I am so glad I remember it even in fragments. You know me; I am seeing all sorts of new possibilities and am grateful for the dream. Why? Because it points to the reconciliation of the opposites and what can happen after you rise above the mind. Not in an intellectual way but in a healing way.
Vicki Woodyard