You know you are living an essence life when you prefer solitude to company. When you easily see through other people and yes, your very own self!
You have studied yourself up close and personal for a long time now and you don’t like what you see. How’s that? you say. If you are doing your inner work, you know that you are as selfish as the next guy, that you are easily confused and misled and at times even eat every potato chip in the bag. Did it help? No, it just gave you new zits. C’mon, now, awakening doesn’t mean you lose your sense of humor.
I have never enjoyed socializing, seeing it as so full of pretense as to render it nauseating. These days I hear that people don’t email anymore because texting is easier. I haven’t caught onto texting and my phone is anathema to me.
Holidays are a punishment to true introverts and there is a picture of me by the word in the dictionary. I didn’t say whose dictionary, now did I?
You know you are living an essence life when your social circle is so small it is just “me, myself and I,” and you get tired of playing all of the roles.
You know you are living an essence life when your idea of fun is sitting alone watching your thoughts and examining your feelings. You used to suppress the damned things, didn’t you? But now you see them for what they are: clues dropped along the awakening trail. Once you see clearly that nothing you do can make you happy, do you stop trying? Of course not, you have a head made out of wood!
That is probably the last realization—that awakening is not a head trip. Throw the books away and just sit and sit and sit……..zzzzzzzzz. Sorry!
You get my drift, get busy and start living your essence life. It’s really a lot of fun when you start letting yourself know that you mean business and that you’re not gonna take it anymore, and….and….and….well, you know what I mean. Stop it. Just stop it. Click on “Stop It” link below.
Vicki Woodyard