The mind is a necessary evil, but it IS evil (mechanical). It runs on energy that depletes the fountainhead from which it springs.
The mind began when Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. Of course, this is an allegory, but it is an allegory that holds up.
I watch my mind take unnecessary trips from morning until night. It is “The Chief Worrier and Bottle Washer.”
It gives itself important jobs like looking good, sounding good and doing good. It has no consciousness that it is a machine!
Vernon Howard: “How can a Cadillac love a Ford?”
Deep underground you will find the source of living water that does not come from the mind.
You see, the mind thrives on suffering, but it is not a conscious suffering but a mechanical one.
These days I suffer from the aging process and it is a taboo to talk about this. The mind always wants to gussy itself up and declare that the body is in good shape. This mortal body begins to die the minute it begins to live. Let that sentence sink in!
Evil is a very real thing and you ignore it at your own peril. We never see it because we think it IS us. “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
So what is a good spiritual student to do? Some of you have already answered this question, but I will put it into words. A good spiritual student surrenders to everything that comes its way; that is called living in accord with the Tao.
Surrender saves our miserable and cowardly necks.
Yea, verily, the ego sucketh.
Giving the ego space is like inviting the Devil himself to live his life through you.
Wake up and smell the conspiracy between your ego and the Evil One. It hates being seen through. Work like hell to see through hell.
Vicki Woodyard