This is my third day of a weekly Facebook fast. It is doing me some good. This morning I woke up with a new way to write about our spiritual dilemma. We are having an everlasting conversation between two thought selves! It isn’t me, myself and I so much as I am talking to myself and at the same time listening to myself. And God is left out of this scenario, this spiritual schizophrenia.
I want to wake up, I really do, yet as long as I am sound asleep in this “dual personality thang,” it ain’t gonna happen. This morning I woke up having an imaginary conversation with my neurologist. I have never talked about my life situation to him. So the two me’s started a conversation in which one me was talking to an imaginary doctor and the other me was listening. Reality was nowhere in sight!
This is how we live our lives and manage to avoid reality, which is our true oneness. Our true nature is self-unified and we are split in half in order to cope with this difficult world.
In the conversation, one me told the doctor my sad story and the other me listened, not as the doctor but as the other half of my self. (This goes on with everyone all the time; we just don’t see it.)
I told him how difficult my life has been. He didn’t listen because he wasn’t there! This is what we have to see. We are self-divided mechanical human beings. The Way (the Tao) and what Jesus taught are our ticket out of this mental and emotional suffering. We pay with our insights into how asleep we are and how vulnerable we are to our own thoughts about it.
We have to keep seeing how asleep and self-divided we are. It is almost impossible to stay awake more than a few minutes of the time. But now we are on the true Way.
The pearl of great price is our undivided Self. The oyster of the ego has been growing it mechanically so nothing true ever happens. Let us begin again over and over to witness Me talking to Me. Once we realize that we are going down that path again, we are miraculously moved into a state of grace. Self-unity is the pearl! Gratitude arises and the heaven within us rejoices for we have come home.