My web host is making it very hard for me to deal with them. They billed my PalPal account for 3 years in advance automatically to keep my site up and running for the next 3 years. I was going to let it go, since I post mainly on Facebook.

The problem is that I am too old to do tech stuff anymore. The site has few visitors. Should anyone wish, a small donation can be made to my PalPal account. The amount I owe them is
$126.48. They have already taken it out of my PayPal account.

The person I talked to at godaddy was courteous but gave me complicated information that I was not able to follow. At some point, the connection was broken.

So I have paid in advance to keep the site up for 3 years. I have loved writing for everyone; it’s just easier to do it through FB.

It is not a hardship for me to pay them; it is just that they give no notice before billing you for 3 years. I doubt I will still be writing on the blog then.

In other news: My energy is very low but I think it is due to the tremors and neuropathy that I have. I am going to have physical therapy next month to see about some strengthening exercises.

I have been very happy to be your scribe for lo, these many years. I have learned little that truly stuck with me. Mainly it was the teachings of Vernon Howard. He was so sly a teacher that he could drop in on your dreams after he left the earth plane. What he told me in a dream was this: “Don’t be so accommodating. Act a little tough.” Still trying to implement that sage advice.

I don’t need the money; I am just being a little tough. It’s never too late. We are all just awkward teenagers wanting to be liked. The persona is a bag of wind. Never forget that. All things blow over in time. Eternity, now that is something else altogether.

Vicki Woodyard

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