I have finally and suddenly become an old woman, no doubt about it. Yesterday I had an appointment with a new stomach doctor I told him I needed a stronger medication because I was getting heartburn.
He is in a huge practice in an old building. Rob had to hold my elbow while we winded and twisted our way to his office. It was a simple business; he did not even examine me. He doubled one of my meds and said to come back in a month or so.
We did go to Chick-fill-et for sandwiches and milkshakes.
At home I settled in to watch TV.
No more sun for me; that is an Ocular Rosacea guide line.
I am still able to type and we will see what I write, as my life is very curtailed now.
It happens to all of us as we gradually lose our powers.
You fumble mentally; you fumble physically and it is harder to sort things out.
The days of hard neuropathy pain are over; my feet are numb.
I am an old hand at writing my heart out; for now I can still do that.