Neuropathy is an invisible illness, to coin a phrase. It is taking my life by bits and pieces. Ironically, I don’t mind not having a social life. I do miss being able to travel or even be on my feet for more than a few hours.
The tremor is not so invisible, but it is equally lowering my quality of life. Both get worse over time, so there is not a Get Out of Jail card for either condition.
I am home most of the time; a trip to the grocery is wonderful. Eating out offers me welcome relief from being at home non-stop.
What am I learning from these two neurological conditions? That I love solitude now more than ever. I need feel no guilt about not being socially active.
Rob is incredibly good to me. He cooks and drives me anywhere I want or have to go.
I find that being on medications for the neuropathy helps me deal with depression about my condition.
Just wanted to give you an update about my writing. I tried to leave you (the blog) as the late Leonard Cohen sang, but it proved to be something I still want to be able to do. Facebook is the same way. So when I post on the blog or FB, it means I am still hanging in here!