Just Visiting

Dear  Friends,

I am just  visiting here, as we all are. We forget that our divinity is hidden from us so that we might develop as human beings. We all have work to do, both here and elsewhere.

The problem is that we are asleep to the fact that we must evolve, must dismantle the ego and the damage that it can do.

Humility increases as we surrender to our helplessness.

Faith increases as we call on God.

The world is not our home; we come from elsewhere.

I have been writing for decades now and I have most of the issues I had when I began my search for God.

This tells me that falling from grace is happening all day long.

What counts is that we get back up.

Rise up to the divinity within us all.

Surrender to that divinity and all will be well.

Vicki Woodyard

Comments welcomed....