The Everyday

The Everyday

We live our human lives in the Everyday, and I capitalize it on purpose. If we live in the Everyday, what can we do to simplify things?

First of all, we should appreciate the things in our lives that are working for us. So on a regular basis, we need to move towards simplicity rather than complication. If we avoid this lesson, we may have to become a witness to the endless complications that are unnecessary.

My body has its limits and so do my mind and emotions. We need to watch what is going on and ask ourselves this: “Does what is going on in my life work for me?”

Since limits are important, we need to eliminate or cut down what makes us nervous, frightened or afraid. These clues are telling us that the world has too much dominance over us. We should study our desires because desire ties us to the karmic wheel.

Yes, I am studying what Vicki wants and needs, because we are all given individual lives. Careful study shows me that simplicity reduces desire. See this for yourself.

I throw in bits of my personal life in these essays to show my own vulnerability to being controlled by the mechanical, unconscious forces of life that drive everyone.

I am free when I know my wants and needs and only do the minimum things, thus leaving time to rise above time!

Vicki Woodyard

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