The Silence


The silence greets me this morning. After a shower and two cups of tea, I begin my day. Our backyard ends in a creek bank. Yesterday I was out pulling weeds and I slipped a little bit.
I am fine except for a stiff neck.

I kept checking online to see what was happening in the Trump trial. Ended up watching Grace and Frankie for a comedic lift. It is one of the best series I have watched. Part of the charms is how beautiful the sets are.

So here I am in a soft tee and slippers. Not knowing anything about anything.

A grocery trip needs to be made, but I will opt out.

David Newman, a beloved chant artist, died of a brain tumor yesterday. His music will continue in the hearts of the people he loved and those that he moved by his very presence. We both had books that came out at the same time. In this photo, we are sharing each other’s paperback!

Sorry I can’t write more today, so “less is more.”

David, you will always be a shining light for so many.

Love, Vicki

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