Nothing big…


Nothing big is required of us; it is just that the Work spreads over a lifetime and we keep forgetting our True Nature. All spiritual teachings refer to that human forgetfulness. That is why we must keep on keeping on.

I sit in a blessed silence and a rain of words begins to hit my face. To be honest, I have never seen my original face because it is eternally unseen.

None of us exist in a vacuum, so what we do affects us all. Dare we to say that we matter and that we are matter? And that it doesn’t matter. All that matters is invisible.

“The Little Prince” is a gem of literature and it has been ages since I read it. What I remember is that he loved a little rose and that mattered to him a great deal.

The ending was poignant, as all human endings are. We are dogged by our personal lives to the extent that we forget to love our own little rose.

The world looms over us while God looks down on us. All we can do is play our parts knowingly.

We must sit down and drink in the silence until we feel that all is well within in.

The winds have been wild here and our yard is littered with branches from trees. If we do not clean them up, the grass will not grow.

Meditation happens when you sit with yourself until you melt away, like the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of oz. It is then that the silence shines down upon you.

The silence is eternal, whereas human beings are not. We come and go and the silence remains.

Vicki Woodyard

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