At It Again….

From an old blog….

“I am happy to be at my blog making words turn into pixels. Sometimes someone says, “I can relate,” and then I know we are all totally human despite our deep interest in enlightenment. By the way, enlightenment is something fashioned out of something so ethereal as to be non-human. Although some claim it, others know better and deeper than that.”~Vicki Woodyard

Quoting myself just means that the pump needs to be primed or my writing will come out all rusty and everything…

No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape from your own grasp! Are your muscles tight and your emotions painfully blocked?  If so, it is time to let go.

Letting go is our main job; most people forget that. Instead, they cling to what they feel that they are losing. I am eighty-one now, so I have a lot of things to let go of: a tremor, an ache, leftover sorrow, daily struggles; the list is long.

I have been suffering from writer’s block lately. I thought I was in a dry spell and then I got into a talk with someone in the neighborhood. We spoke of the world and how it keeps us obsessed with it it. Then I realized that my writer’s block had disappeared.

Man is a war-like creature. How do I know this? Because I have looked within myself and can affirm that. All of us are at war with ourselves, never mind anyone else.

My writing forte is brevity and clarity, yet Vicki herself is a mess on every level. Oh, she tries to keep herself in some kind of shape. These days a walk around the block is a big event.

Many of you have been reading me for way too long, haven’t you? Oh, come on, now, give us a smile. It’s free and it’s also healthy for you!

Silly is as silly does and it helps me to write rings around my writer’s block, so I am grateful to watch my fingers walk around the keyboard again. Whew!


Are you still reading me after all of these years? If so, I thank you.

Vicki Woodyard



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