Things Happen In Order


Things happen in order. That sentence came to me a few days ago and I promptly forgot. The work of waking up is almost impossible to do without grace. If I manage to wake up momentarily, I remember myself, as Gurdjieff advised his students to do.

There is no free will; it only feels like there is. In actuality, things happen and we must adjust accordingly.

I walk the tightrope of fear and tension daily, as do you.

I did not sleep last night. This morning I am not even sleepy. The winter day awaits me, as do the chocolate iced-donuts in their lovely white box.

I am mourning the death of Lee Sun-Kyun, of “My Mister.” It seems to me that the police broke his will to live. As an artist, he was a sensitive human being that made mistakes—don’t we all?

Now we are bereft of his formidable talent. Walking the tightrope of 19 hours of police questioning, he broke.

You have your own tightrope that can only be walked by you. I like it that The Great Wallenda prays as he puts one foot in front of the other.

I know better than I can do. That is another Work teaching. We can only act according to the level that we are on, so it becomes a matter of choosing to raise our consciousness.

To get back to the first sentence: “Things happen in order.” Or to put it another way, there is no free will except to react to what God ordains.

Vicki Woodyard

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