For Advanced Machines

This day starts off with heavy rain, global warming now a reality. I lie in bed for a while before getting up. Once up, I eat breakfast and open yesterday’s mail that Rob brought in last night. Our garbage services have been bought out by yet a bigger company. I notice that I am on notice! Any fees not paid promptly will incur penalty fees. (I can see that I will be changing to a smaller service, for sure.
The other news is that I am a machine and so are you. You will not admit this if you are not on the path. After studying yourself for years, you can admit more easily to yourself that everything is beyond your control. I am a control freak, so I am a very slow learner in this department.
This third paragraph is for advanced machines. (Crickets)
Vicki Woodyard

One Comment

  1. Hi
    I identified with the things you wrote. I am too a machine reacting as if someone pushing buttons and I,answering mechanically. Thanks


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