Stretching Mind and Body

So I am standing in front of the Mac and holding onto to my chair as I do some stretching exercises I saw on TV. Whew. I am out of shape and my muscles tremor from head to toe. I have decided to follow along with people demonstrating simple exercises that will help you become stronger.

Then I eat a sandwich and do some sitting meditation. Last night I woke up with dry mouth because of certain medications I take. Dry mouth leads to dental problems.

It is a beautiful autumn day and the guy will come to aerate the yard and over-seed it. Rob says he will rake the leaves that have fallen since yesterday.

My body is weaker than ever, thanks to the neuropathy and tremor. I leave home to grocery shop with Rob, to Macy’s occasionally and out to eat. I see a new family doctor on Monday and we will eat out after that. Also on my plate is getting my teeth cleaned.

I am happy to stay at home except for the occasional outing. The two women we hired will come once a month to do basic cleaning. I like them; they do the neighbor’s house across from us.

Last year I had trouble getting down on the floor to wrap a few gifts. Maybe these stretching exercises will help. Neither Rob nor I get into Christmas very much. Just a meal and a few gifts. An old wreath on the door and a bow on the mailbox.

The thing I do every day is sit in silence off and on. I may open a favorite book and enjoy a few sentences.

Nisargadata on love: “When you know beyond all doubting that the same life flows through all that is, and you are that life, you will love all naturally and spontaneously.”

There is no more power that is found in sitting silently. And so I sit on.

Vicki Woodyard

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