Read the Boiler Plate!


Read the Boiler Plate

I have read many books about spirituality, awakening, etc. Many of them were excellent and many were a rehash of a rehash of truth.

Not only that, I read mechanically and practice little of what I have read. Enlightenment is not something that sticks.

Those six words are worth repeating: Enlightenment is not something that sticks. Actually, it is something that someone dreamed up. Throw the word in the trash icon of your mind.

What happens next is exhilarating and freeing. You settle down. That’s all. You just settle down and watch your breath go in and out.

Good things and bad things happen and you have no power over them except your attitude.

By the way, your so-called mantra has a boiler plate too small for you to read. Once you give up trying to read it, something like a moment of real silence can happen.

Life can be tragic and that is its nature.

Breath consciously and be reborn again and again and again.

Although you can’t read the boiler plate, you CAN be reborn.

Rebirth and forgiveness are freely given to yourself by yourself. And there is no boiler plate that hurts your inner eye.

All is well on the higher planes, so we must understand that silence has no boiler plate to read.

Vicki Woodyard

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