Is it worth it for me to keep on writing. I do it for the faithful few and they know who they are. Yesterday we had a mild family kerfuffle on getting the house more organized. The result was silence for the rest of the day (and not the good kind.)

I spent a lot of time online and have gotten interested in the Five Exercises (I believe they are Tibetan, at least originally. The thing is, my muscles are being affected by my neurological issues. I want to start off doing them very slowly.

The housekeepers did such a wonderful job. I asked them not to dust (because the former women broke things when they dusted. But come to think of it, I am more apt to break things than them!

The real meat of anything comes down to what you want and need. We are taught not to be selfish and as we grow, we realize that if you are not selfish, you will be a pushover for anyone and everything. Esoteric knowledge can only be studied by you! You cannot give it away; that would just be charisma.

At this point in time, everything I am unable to do will be done by Rob. My lot is to surrender gracefully (which I cannot do).

There are too many sticky notes all over the house because the meds affect my memory.

Each day I notice things around the house that need to be fixed. I need an electrician and they are hard to find. The last time two came, they did little and charged much. I need to have cedar boards replaced, too. It cost me a fortune to get that huge tree felled and hauled away. Then I had to pay more to plant some things in the bare spot that the machinery made when they were working.

Worry, what to do about it, she asks herself wryly.

But seriously and wearily, folks, life is hard and working on yourself usually means you realize that the company of fellow students is rare. So you work alone. Never mind; it pays off. We begin to respect ourselves as we respect the Truth within us. The gold is buried deep and it is up to us to mine it. Let’s get busy!

Vicki Woodyard

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