Having a little “sit down” with God

Having a little “sit down” with God

I just had a little “sit down” with God. Breathing into the silence, I know that He is with me. Breathing consciously is different than breathing mechanically. It is drawing a sacred breath.

Some words come out of my mouth and then evaporate into the conscious breathing.

I am listening to the silence that I have prayed for and it is coating me in comfort.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself and other people.” Breathing.

I let go of the past and future and breathe the breath of God.

Only love can take away the pain and this God knows.

The silence and solace is divine.

All of my thoughts revolve around me like the earth around the sun. In 24 hours, I am conscious only in brief moments. Otherwise I sleep through my short life on earth.

I have given myself away to trivialities when my very life force is running out right on schedule.

My wants and needs are of the ego and not of true life. God whispers something that I can’t quite make out.

So I get even quieter until an amazing thing happens. I realize that quietness is who I am. The words are just meant for human consumption and they vanish back into the silence.

I live in a state of sleep and when I remember that, I wake up for a second. That is all I can do.

Vicki Woodyard

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