A Prisoner of My Own Psyche

I am watching a Korean drama on Netflix called “Prison Playbook.” It’s a hard movie to watch but it is an eye opener. This thought came to me while it was on, “Don’t imprison yourself.” Yes, that’s right. We put ourselves in prison all day long. The “shoulda woulda coulda” energy so easily takes us over and clang, the prison door shuts fast again.

I am a perfectionist and I have so easily become a prisoner of my psyche. Not only that, I project the prison onto other people as well. We are all alike, blaming and shaming ourselves all the day long.

Consciousness does not blame; it instead gives a balm for our heavy hearts. This earth life is unbearable for many sensitive souls and only consciousness can set us free. As Vernon Howard said in the first talk I heard him give in person, “Never blame the con man.” I think that means I have full responsibility for how I treat myself.

The prison is a metaphor (luckily, for most of us), that calls us to come back to ourselves. As Watchman Nee said, “Love not the world.” Nee wrote a book long ago with that title. That is all I remember of it. “My kingdom is not of this world.” We all know who said that. And so I blather on about awakening.

To wake up is to absolve yourself of whatever is not working in your life. The soul is in full control and the sooner we call on it, the better off we are.

My son and I are alone for a reason that will never be disclosed to us, but it is a fact. It is a blessing and a curse, for all things on earth are divided.

Acceptance, self-acceptance, is the way out of self-imprisonment. Try it, you might like it.

Vicki Woodyard

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