My anthem flows out of me like water
rivulets of rhythm paced by the moon
and stars and my very own innards.
Sing! I cry to my inner child…the wounded healer
that she is is happy to oblige.
I remember, I remember, she sings so sweetly.
I remember how it was with me before I was even born…
It was then I took up singing in the world beyond the world
and heard such heavenly music that it broke my fragile heart.
And still I sing! I sing to mermaids and mermen and
Herman’s Hermits. I sing to Kermit and leprechauns
and fawns and roses.
There can come from me such a cry of wonder that it cracks the egg from which I am now hatched into this weary world. I forget now how wonderful it was up in those heavens.
But still I sing.
Vicki Woodyard