Everything is always coming apart at the seams because we live in the ego’s fear of being exposed. We secure our fortresses as best we can, but sooner or later, things will fall apart in big ways or small.
Jesus spoke only to the few that he felt would listen. And even they, at the end, could not stay awake with him as he faced the cross. He forgave them as he forgives us.
He is no longer a flesh and blood martyr but a risen example of truth.
Yesterday I was a bunch of nerves. Every year when I have to gather all of my income tax data, I feel the fear of making a mistake. I tried to stay calm, but as always, I felt anxiety.
The ego is not a person but an assumed costume worn to protect itself. The person inside of you is the risen Christ. Let that sink in before reading on.
We all know that we lie in order to present a false front to the world. Vernon Howard called this the False Self.
That is the situation, but what is the solution?
The solution is to simply see that we are fast asleep in the lies of this world. And that we cannot help ourselves.
This brings the ego to silence and in that silence we feel a breath of fresh air. Some might call this the Christ Consciousness.
Just breathe and let go. Breathe and let go. Breathe and let go.
Vicki Woodyard