Thoughts about destiny….
We are born into this world to play certain parts. As Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage.” And I was led to Maui where I met a guru by the name of John Ramsey. He was teaching a course about waking up and I found him by means of a dream.
He is sitting on his round bed in a make-do shack and gazing at me with clear blue eyes. He has long limbs and tawny skin from surfing, as he lives on the Hana Highway.
“It’s all a play,” he says to me. “Enjoy the acting.” And he is comical and we laugh and laugh. Bob has isolated himself by sitting in a chair behind me instead of beside me. He doesn’t engage in the conversation that John and I are having.
So many synchronicities on Maui that the lesson of fate is drummed into me. We return home after my getting quite sick and John and I swap letters for a while.
He is clear about how we play our destined roles. Some call this consensual reality. None of us like to admit that we are preprogrammed, but we are. Vernon Howard taught the same thing in different ways.
Since I am looking at my life in the rearview mirror now, I see how everything always falls into place regardless of how painful the falling might be.
Have I learned my destined lessons? I am not even sure of what they are. I know that I do not live a life in the world anymore. Christmas came and went as it was destined to do. I am always glad to have it behind me instead of in front of me.
We can heal even while it might appear that we are not doing so. The human brain is not the path to enlightenment. It is thought that has to be surrendered. Then perhaps destiny can become more playful with us. Not like a lion attacking us, but a playful kitten that wants love and attention.
Oh, one more thing, as Columbo would say, “Happy New Year.”
Vicki Woodyard
It is extremely difficult to see and know that it is all preprogrammed. After several essential surrenders of our ego selves, we get a glimpse that we are not in control one iota. Some of my times at the very lowest, “my giving up” and acceptance of “what is” has given me the rare and so beautiful sense/feeling of being told, “It’s okay, I AM in control; and all is well.” Happy New Year, dear Vicki.
We sleep our lives away—in this case, sleep being a waking sleep, a daydream that we can control our lives by taking thought.
Happy New Year, Ruth