The Last Essay of 2022

This will probably be my last essay of 2022. I have written several hundred and many of you have read all of them. I thank you for that. My knowing is a flowing, if you want to be poetical about it. To put it another way, Vicki is not writing these notes; the notes are arising spontaneously as I place my fingers on the keyboard and allow the words to form.

We do not think enough of how universal we all are because we are seemingly not connected to each other. We think we choose our relationships but we choose nothing. Life chooses us.

Yes, the life force inside of us is in charge of everything. And we are that life force. We have such power that we can only use a tiny portion of it at a time.

My life is winding down now and it becomes more difficult to operate in this sphere. I have no idea how long I will be writing. I see lives ending and my memory becomes less reliable.

My son is now helping me with things I used to find easier to do. He gave me a new phone for Christmas and I never got comfortable with the old one.

I want to teach him my filing system this year so that he can take care of things when the time comes.

This is not a negative essay; I am just being realistic. I know some of you intimately and others only slightly. I don’t give advice and I am happy that this is the case. Rather, I write my notes using universal intelligence coupled with my own often wacky sense of things. I cannot distinguish between the two.

If you want the notes to continue, please offer a donation from time to time. As I often say, “the workman is worthy of his hire.” This is work done in order to fulfill my dharma, at least I think so.

With your donations, I can have lunch out occasionally or buy a book I want to read. You can always find the Donate button at if you want to make a spontaneous donation. But usually I ask for them 3 or 4 times a year and the beginning of the New Year is an auspicious time to contribute to my work.


Vicki Woodyard

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