December 26

I slept fitfully last night—too much Christmas in an otherwise quiet life. Rob gave me some wonderful gifts and I only gave him a few, including a check to buy what he wanted. I felt the inadequacy of my gifts to him.

He gave me a new phone, which I have needed for a long time. Today is not the day to learn how to use it, though, since I am so sleep-deprived.

I cannot explain why I am glad when Christmas has come and gone. It just feels false and ungainly to me. I was glad to clear the table of all things Christmas and look forward to simple days once again.

My inner work goes on in spite of how blue I may feel. Inner work is seeing both truth and falsehood, is it not? The falsehood happens when we exchange words that we don’t really mean with people that we don’t really know.

There really has been a bastardization of the Magi bringing gifts to the babe in the manger. Now people shop ‘till they drop and then feel empty as they contemplate their state of fatigue.

Let us wake up this December 26 with the knowledge of how off the mark the holidays have become.

Let us know in our hearts that our world is in pieces and only God can put us back together.

Everyone will be telling everyone else how wonderful their Christmas was. For the children, maybe, but not to awakening people.

Bow down knowing your lack of humility. Rejoice in the certainty that redemption is ours for the asking. Hallelujah is more than a word in the dictionary. It is our redemption as well.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. This wisdom in your essays (and I do mean each and every one of them) comes from within. Christ is initially trying to find room at any inn where His birth within us can take place. At the manger (perhaps our fragile and broken hearts), we can rejoice when the birth of Christ happens. We are nearly always unaware, neglectful and forgetful of the Christ child within us. With a longer and longer life experience, we do have precious, sacred moments of letting this true Life within us be our life for us and as us. Your writings reveal so much truth and wisdom because you are letting Truth give you the meaningful words. Many blessings to you , Rob, your sister, all your family and those you know as friends (those who do know they are part of the One).


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