Dear Readers and Friends

Dear Readers and Friends,

Christmas Eve is upon us and I pray everyone is snuggled down at home. I was thrilled to hear President Zelensky speak to Congress. Ukraine is amazingly brave.

I haven’t left the house since Wednesday night, when Rob and I drove around to see Christmas lights.. Since then we’ve done nothing but hunker down.

Last night he made chili and I am not sure what we will have tonight. On Christmas Day we sleep late and eat Christmas dinner in late afternoon.

I have made peace with it being just the two of us and we make the appropriate gestures, albeit with rather makeshift emotions.

I am enjoying Netflix a lot. So I have no complaints at all. Hopefully Trump will be indicted and prosecuted in the new year.

If you are working on yourself, you will have conflicting emotions rise and fall for the next week or so. Humanity is at a turning point right now and the planet is warming at an alarming rate.

How do we pray except consciously! As we admit to being mechanical instead of conscious, a vow for 2023 is to wake up from the dream.

It may feel strange to be conscious, but it is our only hope. Love is the answer to everything and conscious love is the highest state any human being can experience. One moment of consciousness can change everything.

I wish you all a state of awakening.



  1. Your Christmas wish for us is very well-meaning. Thank you very much. Let us all know that Love is indeed the answer to absolutely everything. You are in our hearts during these last days of 2022; and shall continue being there for 2023 and on. Love to you.


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