The Most Important Note I Have Ever Written

This is the most important note I have ever written. It happened this way. I was lying down listening to the radio and heard the song, “Wish You Were Here.” I heard a line about thinking you could change and I saw clearly that the ego can never be enlightened.

Vicki has been trying to change herself for many years and for the most part she remains the same. That is because she is a machine. If you have gotten this far on the path, you can say the same thing about yourself.

Oh, I have my good moments but they never last. I am interdependent with the world, as we all are. I don’t exist in a vacuum.

So what good has it done me to try and change myself into a better person? None at all, for machines cannot change.

The persona was put in place by us automatically in order to protect us from abuse in one form or another. I put agoraphobia and social phobia in place when I was about 13. On some level I still have it, as I have lived a very, very safe life. And while I was trying to be really, really safe, my little girl died of cancer and many years later, so did my husband.

I managed to care for them while having agoraphobia and social anxiety; they were just suppressed for a number of years.

Vicki’s machinery clanks on and she has no idea that I am writing this. Shhhhhhh.

Jesus told us how it was, didn’t He? Read the New Testament and you will find that the Word speaks of all this ego chicanery we are engaged in. It has ever been thus.

Vernon Howard spoke of the False Self and the True Self and never the twain shall meet.

So go on with your mechanical life, because you have no other choice. Instead, continue to study truth because it is our only chance for deliverance from evil (mechanical) behaviors.

A true prayer is “God help me right now,” for we can never save ourselves.

Vicki Woodyard

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