There are so many insights that we have when we are struggling to wake up that something always gets crowded out and we are left incomplete and sorrowful. At least that is the case with me. I have written millions of words and none of them has arrived at what I am going to try and say next, so bear with me.
This morning I got an email from my sister asking me to send light to a dear friend of hers that is in the hospital with some kind of heart emergency. I immediately sat down and did the best I could to wrap her friend in white light. But let’s face it, mere mortals can never deliver on eternal promises, that is left to our Maker, whatever that means to you.
This is the start of the holiday season, always a trial for me. My husband died five days before Christmas eighteen years ago and despite my son and I living together, I remain alone. We all remain alone and that is a spiritual fact as long as we are in human bodies. No one else can move into our body, now can they?
I know that all of you are doing your best to awaken and therefore, each step you take is alone into the Alone with a capital “A.” That is our lesson as human beings. There is but one God and we are all living examples of that. No other human being can lesson the sorrow of being separate from each other. I know. I have endured through the loss of both child and husband. My son and I carry our losses in different ways. That is because all of us are the One. This is spiritual law and it cannot be broken. We must approach God in single file.
The world cannot reveal this truth to you, for the world is an illusion. Once you deeply accept this, your sorrow begins to make some sort of sense. The world falls away and all of the people in it.
What next, you cry. What next? I have never discovered what is next and that is because of the Law of One. I cannot look to any other human being to carry my cross for me and neither can you. They are individually tailored and there is no way we can figure out how to escape from the inevitable. We arrive at the gates of Heaven one pilgrim at a time.
So even though I am writing to you, there is only me here typing these words. If they move you, you are approaching this truth yourself. We must cling nowhere, as the old saying goes and the world is all about clinging.
Turn away from the world and approach the Law of One. Stop expecting others to merge with you. It may seem that you have found human companionship, but it is only for a time. And time does not exist in the Kingdom of Heaven and neither do we.
On this most solitary of journeys, wipe the tears from your eyes and acknowledge the Law of One. Duality is where grief happens, not in an awakened man or woman. And awakening is an illusion in itself. Embrace paradox and be free.
Vicki Woodyard