Dear Kindred Spirits

Dear Kindred Spirits,

Today is a big birthday for me! As I get older, there are fewer and fewer restrictions on me. I have a strong and gentle son who shares a home with me. This morning I got up and had a bowl of cereal, having slept a mere 3 hours last night, due to bronchitis. Luckily, I had an appointment with my neurologist this morning. After I told him about the severity of my cough, he wrote a prescription cough remedy for me.

I wanted to eat lunch out, but the first place we tried had stopped serving lunch, as had the second one. The third time was a charm. We ate at a place called First Watch. I had a huge chocolate chip pancake with bacon and coffee. I hadn’t been there before, but it was just what I needed. Rob will pick up my birthday cake later and hopefully the Rx will have been filled by that time.

On the “kindred spirits” address to you, that is exactly how I feel. The wrong people will be pushed away by my writing while the right people will be hungry for more. That is how it was with Vernon Howard, too. Those seeking a Sunday school teacher would leave indignantly. Then he was free to tell the truth to those who had ears to hear.

I used to feel guilty about not having a social circle. The closest thing I had was a women’s spiritual study group, a cancer wellness society and a wonderful kirtan group. Those are behind me now and it is just me, myself and I.

In a sense my losses have turned into gains, which is how it should be. I have two good friends and many online readers that support me in my endeavor to keep going deeper into truth as it falls from my fingertips.

This is no picnic or joyride, as you know so well. Instead the way grows narrower and narrower the deeper that we go.

Heed the words well: Straight is the way and narrow is the gate and few there be that enter in.”

Much love to all,


  1. Happy Birthday dearest Vicki🌹All Love, Regeneration, beloved Joy to You always, sweet chocolates and delicious treats for on this special Celebration.Thank You all dearly for everything!


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