Except ye shall become as little children….

I have lost a lot of energy to this respiratory virus. It’s been over two weeks and I am quite depleted of energy. Thanksgiving and my birthday are next week, but I am going to take a hard pass on celebrating both of them! Right now recuperation is Job One.

As I get older and hopefully wiser, one lesson is at the forefront of all others. I choose to forgive myself and others relentlessly, fully and finally. Everything else is icing on the cake.

I no longer have anything to prove to myself or to you. I no longer expect the world to do anything but wobble miserably on its axis. That is what I am doing, for sure!

The time of abstract teachings and theories has come and gone for me. Now it makes perfect sense for me to let go of the whole kit and caboodle.

My life is now in the rearview mirror and I am tired of looking into it. The poisoned apple holds no appeal to me.

Instead, this morning I am grateful to have clean hair. Nothing else is on my schedule. Rob is happy to do all of the grocery shopping and errand running. I am free to just sit on a cushion and sew a fine seam.

Life may not be a bowl of cherries, but at least the bowl is not empty. Gratitude for all of those struggling to become better today than they were yesterday. But it IS a losing battle, my friends. God is not interested in our ego’s pride and foolishness. He only needs for us to see so clearly that we are lost, for then we can be found.

Be a loser. Lose and you win.

Seek and you shall find.

I am finding gratitude and surrender to be the most powerful tools in my kit.

Thank you for reading me. Thank you for seeing with me how fallible the ego is.

Mea culpa cubed!

Vicki Woodyard

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