A Guru in the Guest Room: Want a Copy?

For some reason I took a copy of “A Guru in the Guest Room” down from the shelf. I think Swami Z still holds up. I have it on pdf if anyone wants to read it. For a small donation, I will email it to you.

It was written about ten years again and is a humorous look at awakening. I am the main character and Swami is my reluctant swami. I invented his character when Bob was going through cancer treatment; it helped keep me sane.

If you are not able to laugh at the seriousness of whatever your current situation is, I feel for you. Laughter is the best medicine.

If you want the pdf of it (which I believe can be read on an ereader), just go to my website and make a donation through PayPal and I will email it to you asap.



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