A Dream of Hope

Last night I had a worrisome dream. It was on the common theme of me trying to get home. In this case, I had taken my baby boy to the doctor for a minor problem for which he needed no healing. But on the way home I got lost (a common dream theme).

Most of the dream was spent in a vain attempt to call my mother and let her know the baby was okay. But I couldn’t remember her phone number. I saw some friends going somewhere and so I joined them.

We traveled through a monotonous landscape. The friends knew I was worried, but behaved rudely toward me, saying that I shouldn’t be so concerned, that we had plenty of time to arrive.

Towards the end of the journey I looked down and saw some coins. I picked up a silver dollar and kept seeing more coins. Some of them were false and were intermingled with the real ones. I traveled on with a handful of the real ones.

We went through hills and some of them were underground. I looked up and saw a young black man who had crystal obelisks that he had found in the dirt. I wanted one and held out my hand. His aim was perfect, as was the way in which I held my hand and I caught it. Someone else saw it and wanted one and he threw one to them, too. And then we moved on.

I never called my mother, but after I caught the obelisk everything was okay.

End of dream. What did it mean? All I can say is that the obelisk was the highlight of the dream. It was enough even though I had no idea why.

That is how this journey goes. Usually we are frustrated and denied what we want. Even when our desire to wake up is strong, we keep forgetting our purpose here on earth. But something higher is watching us and occasionally sends us a message via a dream. This time the message was not to worry about getting back home, but to look up and receive a gift from the higher world.

From life to death man struggles to make a better life for himself and yet it is not up to him to provide for his soul. His job is to just keep walking on through the perils of being a human being. The soul knows its own and will provide for it. But never mix ordinary thoughts with spiritual consciousness; it will never work.

Vicki Woodyard

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