The Truth Laid Bare

I can only post what I am moved to write. The blank page is a gift to me; it offers a space in which to put down what I see is true.

I write about the same things over and over again. Why? Because what motivates me is what motivates you, the reader. This is quite selfish of me, so be apprised of that when you read an essay of mine.

I never set out to write essays; that form just seems to fit the length to which I might go, literally! After a dozen paragraphs or so, I am done writing.

I write about the many ways in which I fall down as a human being.

I write about esoteric spirituality, which is an open book to me. Why? Because that is what my soul was lead to learn.

Simplicity is key for me. And my maiden name is Vera Key. That translates to “true key.”

Vicki is only my nickname.

The truth laid bare is what Jesus taught. Brevity is what He favored.

I began by writing one-liners and they led to essays.

I try to write honestly about my favorite subject, awakening.

So how can a sleeper write about waking up?

She must venture into unknown waters.

Once there, she must let the reader figure out if she is being honest or not.

In other words, the reader has the final say-so. I am off the hook!

So that’s my nutshell reason, but reason takes a poor second to spirit.

Ignore me altogether and feel what arises in you!

Vicki Woodyard

At first I thought she was holding a toothbrush!

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