Consciousness is universal. Everyone born into this world has universal consciousness but it quickly turns into personal consciousness. Universal consciousness is writing this, but Vicki’s has a “Vicki” flavor to it, as does yours.
The last few days I keep hearing that message in my head; consciousness is universal. And I get a quick hit of what that means before I go to sleep again. As Vernon Howard said, “The only difference between sleeping people is how they snore.”
To be asleep is the lot of humankind. Adam and Eve were awake until they were told not to eat the apple and then this fallen world began.
Since then, it’s been about gold and glory (another phrase that Vernon used). Egos trample other egos in the race to be the fastest rat. Oh, they disguise themselves brilliantly and they love designer clothing and they dine on culinary delights. They also devise creative ways to sin and not get caught.
Universal consciousness is what we seek when we meditate or reflect on how we have fallen from grace.
It is ours to use or ignore. Use it or lose it, as the old saying goes.
To use it is to prioritize your day with lots of room for silence.
To lose it is to put awakening on the back burner along with everything else.
Let’s wake up before we fall asleep permanently.
Vicki Woodyard