I have been studying truth for the greater part of my life now. It has changed me, but only slightly. While in the body, the world pressures us into fitting in. I developed agoraphobia when I was about thirteen. It didn’t go away until I was in my forties.
I have never fit it in and I am sure many of you feel the same way. Oddly enough, I met the requirements to fit in, but I remained in a state of panic whenever a social occasion arose. Something deep within me refused to compromise my essence. And essence trumps personality.
What is it like to live an essence-influenced life? It requires one to be secretive about your own inner knowing. You see through people but know better than to let anyone know. The emperor has never had any clothes, but keep it to yourself.
Essence-influenced people enjoy their own company more than that of others. The caveat is always the same. Keep it to yourself.
Since my husband’s death I have given myself permission to develop as a writer and a truth-teller. There is no profit to it, just the ongoing interest to share spiritual knowledge. And there is a price to pay for this.
The price, ironically, is social isolation. “Please don’t throw me in the brier patch,” as Brer Rabbit said.
I love my brier patch with its emptiness and aloneness.
Walk alone rather than go along.
Stay true to you.
A no to the world is a yes to your true nature.
It blooms when it blooms. There will be years of suffering.
The suffering will be offset by your very own acceptance of yourself.
Peace comes to those who let go of the world in order to receive the blessings of the Prodigal Son or Daughter.
Blessed assurance never let anyone down; leave it to the world to do that.