Let It Be

This week starts off mild but will be very cold by tomorrow. If it works out, Rob and I will make a bank trip and then go on to the grocery.

With the midterms barreling down upon us, I realize that the Republican Party is now autocratic. Therefore, they will not behave fairly and it is useless to think that they will.

When you know something clearly, that is the end of hoping that things will turn out differently.

Then you simply KNOW.

The war in Ukraine can never be excused. We see the horrors of it on TV every day. This is more proof that “My kingdom is not of this world.”

Witnessing is a vital part of esoteric spirituality. The witness is not involved on an emotional level. It is the part of us that is pure.

Evil cannot penetrate a pure soul. It will bounce right off of them.

Always do your inner work on a daily basis.

Work hard gathering energy when you have no problems.

Sit alone in silence and simply “be.”

Breathe peace in and breathe peace out.

Nothing can touch you in your soul.

Make no attempt to change things.

Let it be.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Using a short mantra just before sitting in the silence has helped me. I think I shall try “Be” some days. This essay is very inspirational and very, very helpful. Thank you, Vicki!!


  2. Vicki, I am right with you until you begin taking sides in politics. I am a Canadian so have no stake in it really, I mean I should shut up and keep out of it. However it bothers me when people see the demonic stuff on the Right and are blind to it on the Left. Hitler was a demon but so was Stalin. It’s human beings who are demonic not just Republicans. If there is an extreme Right then rest assured, balancing that, is an extreme Left. A country run by Democrats alone will also be autocratic. The old indigenous saying about the eagle requiring two wings with which to fly is true. Your country, like ours, would be better off without the acidic polarization that now exists. Then with two wings it’s possible we may fly again.


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