Words have been my thing; I was born being good at them. As I have grown old, I realize that words are not THE thing. Then what is?
There is no good answer to that question, for questions involve answers and answers involve words. What a conundrum we find ourselves in.
Thank God the soul knows without questions or answers.
Silence is where we gather up all of our problems and surrender them.
The Void is where we now live our life. “Rest in the Void. The Void takes care of its own.”
How do I rest when I am agitated? Such questions lead to restlessness.
Restlessness can be emptied into the Void.
Decades have gone by in which I have studied truth with no clear-cut results.
Results are the result of being mental instead of spiritual.
Drop yourself down into the Void and rest with no idea of what will result.
Compassion lives in the depths of silence.
Vicki Woodyard