Looking For the Truth Within

I feel restless today. All of the political stuff being thrown against the wall to see what will stick. Sadly, Trump’s lies are still sticking like spaghetti.

Climate change is on the menu more and more as we watch floods and fires cause more and more suffering.

I turn to the words of The Master: “My kingdom is not of this world.” Then where is it? It is within the man or woman who is tired of role-playing.

If you are trying to wake up, witnessing is Job One. Not complaining but witnessing. Not lying but witnessing.

Find something within you that refuses to lie to you, for the world is a lie.

Never trust anything but your own knowing.

Rely only on what separates you from this lost world.

It is a fair question to ask: What does separate me from this world of pain?


Stay quiet and unconcerned.

Be still and know.

Vicki Woodyard


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