Is Justice A Dead End?

I manage to hold it together day in and day out, but occasionally common sense breaks through! And I feel a spell of it coming on.

Since Trump instigated the attack on our Capitol on January 6 of last year, common sense has been hiding under a rock somewhere and no one has been able to find it.

After billions of words written about our man Traitor Trump, nothing has been done to hold him accountable. Why is that?

Everyone is bending over backwards to give him a fair shake; that is precisely why. Because he once led the land; that is, until he decided to appropriate it for himself for life. Luckily that didn’t happen.

Now it seems that he has misappropriated documents that are marked Secret and once again, we must give this robber a fair shake.

I write year in and year out and let me tell you, I understand the simplest concepts, one of them being innocent until proven guilty and he has been proven guilty time and time again.

My heart was broken a long time ago but I can still write meaningful sentences and yet Trump is not held accountable for death and destruction right here in the United States of America.

He is a cancer on our government and his followers and supporters are all lumped into the category of willing participants in his royal scam.

Yes, he has bilked unsuspecting people out of their hard-earned money. He is a grifter, a con man and most importantly, someone to this day held unaccountable.

I have said my piece.

Justice may never be done and that is a lousy cryin’ shame.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I am in full agreement with you on this one today. It is total insanity the way this man gets away with all that he has done and continues to do so. It is like so many people are blind and completely deluding themselves. It seems that only those with the eyes that can see, are saying the emperor has no clothes. The rest are in a total hypnotic delusion. I truly wish there was a way to wake them up out of there stupor. They seem to worship lies and deceit.
    I keep praying that this is all going to somehow wake people up to the illusions of this world.🙏🏼
    Anyway I know I have not been around much with your blog, but my father recently passed away and my life has been very involved with all of it.🕊💜
    Sending you well wishes and love Vicki.💓


    1. Yes, something is gravely wrong on every level. While Trump is a disaster, our way of government is also failing us; otherwise he would have been prosecuted by now.
      My condolences on your loss, dear Joanne.


  2. One of the institutions that Trump and his allies made sure that got under their control was the court system. The Supreme Court has far too many judges that will assist Trump in every way they can. The judge that ordered a special master regarding the stolen documents was not following any jurisprudence. Day after day, it is like watching a nightmare across our country and across our earth. It is horrifying. We have to remind ourselves that we are in this world, but not of this world. Thank Heavens for the moments we remember and know. Peace and love to you!


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