The Light Always Wins

The Self is betrayed by the self with a small “s.”

Sometimes it is dark outside and also dark inside. And often it is light outside but still dark inside. Adjectives are never adequate in some situations. Our justice system is cracking under the load of one Donald J. Trump. We await his indictment.

Should this happen, his toadies and lackeys will cry foul, when it is he that is foul for besmirching our nation with his “post-presidency collection,” which should include an orange jumpsuit.

The innocent believers, bilked as they are, still keep their eyes slightly closed to his serious behavior. They hold up signs at his “rallies” and playact as he encourages them to do.

We shall see how the chips will fall tomorrow.

This behavior of a former President is vile and undeniably dangerous.

The Self in all beings has given up on Donald J. Trump. Vernon Howard would have pronounced him “Damaged Beyond Repair.”

If he is not tried by the Justice Department, he is nevertheless tried by a Higher Power.

Darkness cannot touch light, however hard it may try.

Ask for light and it will be given.

Justice from the Court of Love is available when one asks for it. But if it is sneered at, the guilty will be unable to move into the light.

The light always wins.

Vicki Woodyard

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