It’s Saturday night of this Labor Day Weekend and I am frustrated with Trump not being taken into custody yet. His violent rhetoric should be enough to get him locked up. Then I remember that “My kingdom is not of this world.”
Awakening to the truth is not easy. I have been trying most of my adult life to shake myself awake enough to feel freer than I currently do.
Why should I expect anything from a sleeping world? And I include myself in that description.
Not only is Planet Earth being destroyed by its inhabitants, they are also laying waste their inner lives. Political rhetoric is poisonous and evil.
I live apart from the world these days. My son and I share a home but sometimes I go for days in a row without talking to anyone much, including him.
I write these notes from a lifetime of studying truth. If I have anything of value to add to the world, it is my concentration on what matters the most. Oh, Vicki is not writing these notes, btw. Something in her is responsible for the essays, but Vicki is too busy eating sugar and watching TV to be of much help to me.
I find Donald Trump to be the most dangerous man on earth, as his cousin has called him. He is intent on the destruction of everything beautiful in our country. And truth is the most beautiful thing that there is.
Vicki is full of herself, so she knows that other people are the same as she is. We all want things that we cannot have, but Trump wants violence and hatred! We should all be afraid of what he does next.
Let us remember only one thing: God is in charge of us all. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
Surrender to Truth is the only sensible option and let the chips fall where they may.
Vicki Woodyard