Flying By the Seat of My Pants

I don’t fly anymore on airplanes, but I am most certainly flying by the seat of my pants on a daily basis. (And this includes all of us all of the time.)

The world is in constant crisis and eminent threat of anarchism. The United States are increasingly divided.

Trump is not even the trump card; he is being played by wilier people. Yes, he is malevolent but not as malevolent as Putin.

The latest threat is on the nuclear level and against this we are increasingly impotent.

There is nothing that can be done about any of this, for everything is predestined.

While anarchism grows like a cancer, the greed of the rich is forcing us into perilous climate change.

We see daily footage of raging rivers and people fleeing with nothing but what is on their backs.

There are global food shortages which will continue and epidemics will continue to threaten the global population.

Is there a solution to any of these problems?

There are solutions only for the individual that turns away from the world.

What happens then?

That individual knows the truth that will set them free.

“I am the way, the truth and the life.”

The individual “I am” is always in a peaceful state. It can be discovered and visited.

Otherwise, there is only extinction.

Vickie Woodyard


  1. Dire and very accurate depiction of America and the world; and all people. Our only escape is within. We don’t manage to stay there long (if at all); but when we do, we know our true home; and it is safe, peaceful, loving and beautiful. May we continue seeking that wonderful Sanctuary! Peace and love to Vicki and her readers!!


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