Dearest Vicki,
When I wrote this morning, I truly meant (as you yourself wrote) that the people who had this book really were going to be very glad. I was enthralled with the first four pages — one of those being the preface.This afternoon, I read several more pages.The pages did not take long to read at all. It was the inner savoring that refused to be “quick and done.”
I sat silently knowing that I was reading something so special and so real.You mentioned the beauty and perfection of Leonard Cohen singing his beautiful words.I was experiencing that in the reading of your well-crafted words that brought everything to life. Despite being an introvert, you are able to reveal far more than the most extrovert of extroverts!
This reading and then savoring what I’ve read is not what I do typically; but I know (for me) that this is what I’ll probably be doing for the rest of your ebook.
I love it!!