Want a copy of my new book?….

Seven people have my new ebook. I just read it again and it rocks! Those seven people will be glad it is in their hands. You would think that having written thousands of notes, that I would have become better at self-advertising. Not! I walked away from my old blog, not realizing that I would lose hundreds of followers, but I did.

My blog currently has only 83 followers and less than a dozen ever comment on my blog. So I have returned to Facebook and now my notes are being read by more people. I have given up on trying to market another book, but an ebook is a relatively singular endeavor. “Lotus in the Mud” was written in a different frame of mind than usual. I knew in advance that it was for the few.

Love is the only thing that can take the slings and arrows of misfortune and we are love itself. Hate is just a mirage in the desert of the mind. Sadly, hate is destroying this beautiful planet. And greed is a part of hate.

Our job is to choose love again and again and again.

Every one of us has our own love/hate relationship with ourselves. Nothing can dissolve hate but love.

I am grateful to those seven people more than they can ever know.

I am a writer until they day I die, even when I am unread, I know that I am love itself.

Vicki Woodyard

Should you want a copy of “Lotus in the Mud,” click the link below.



  1. You are indeed love itself! Yes, the lucky seven are indeed fortunate and grateful for your ebook. Let us do our best to choose “Love and Peace” as often as possible. Our lives are actually being lived when we make that great choice. Namaste.


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