LOTUS IN THE MUD is now available in ebook form!

“Lotus in the Mud,” my newest ebook….

My seventh book, an ebook, is now available for a donation of any amount to my website. It is the clear culmination of my lifelong study of truth.

The title of the book is “Lotus in the Mud.” It is a collection of some of my published essays and a few new ones. It centers on the fact that nothing works but grace of the Self. It is an individual journey that takes as long as it takes, for time is an illusion.

My writing arises from a place of devastation. Out of that has arisen my voice, my healing and my present peace. The richness of the dark and crumbled soil has grown a life of its own. It is that I share with you in this collection of essays. Read them slowly as meditations; my prayer is that what I have written will bear fruit in your inner understanding.~ Vicki Woodyard

A Trio of Comments From Readers

“Your writings are very special and much needed in these strange, uncertain times. Slyly comedic, serious, boldly blunt and raw…these are some of the traits you display as a writer and a teacher. Your words, ideas and thoughts are your gift to the world. Your humor is that extra added treat like dessert…always leaves me with a smile.” ~ From a Reader

“Vicki…it is a grace and a delight and fun to know you. Thanks for the depth of seeing and love that you bring into my life. I admire your steadfast attention upon what ultimately liberates, I am grateful for your human-hearted willingness to speak up about this world with its tangle of tears, I get the wink of your bright eye that says this life needs fun. So I offer this on your birthday….

Hi Vicki, just found your site a few weeks ago and was stunned at your ability to relay your life experiences on the Path. Your writing is a fresh mirror into our daily life as travelers in awakened states and when we fall asleep. Thank you so much for your work and please keep writing. I am sure that those of us who are friends in spirit with you, a great way to put it, are seeing it the same. I have experienced the nihilism of detachment too, but the love energy flows through this darkness, thank God for that.

Peace Profound
Donald in the Southern California high desert

So there it is, whether anyone is interested in reading it or not is beyond my control. (It’s all beyond my control.)


If you have any questions, please email me!

Comments welcomed....