The Floodgates of Relief

“Love’s the only engine of survival.” ~ Leonard Cohen

In his song, “The Future,” Leonard Cohen writes, “Love’s the only engine of survival.” We know this in our hearts, but the mind forgets.

We prefer to live with the false hope of finding the right mate or pair of shoes or vacation (the list is endless.)

To speak personally, I seesaw between hope and fear, all the while knowing that the seesaw is for children.

What would happen if I should calmly get off and take a very deep breath of relief, even for just a moment.

I could ask myself why I live in such profound despair of ever getting it right.

I could admit that nothing my ego does ever pays off except in the false coin of admiration. Admiration is an empty emotion. It gives us nothing but the urge to keep trying harder to win it. It involves the false “other.” Lord knows, there is no “other.” God would not create an other; He would only create the One.

Now we have a chance to stand in the light and see what this knowledge might do for us. What if it caused the floodgates of relief to wash over us?

What if that beautiful word “No” to so-called others was a profound Yes to our own soul’s freedom to simple be as we are?’’

I rest my case.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. What a fabulous case that was, Vicki. If it would be allowed in a court room, there would be resounding applause from maybe one or two persons that understood your words. Thank you! May the floodgates of relief fall on you and your readers.


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