The Age of Dissension

Facebook asks “What is on your mind,” while we should be asking
What is on your heart?” They are not on the same level, not at all. The heart knows its own, while the mind is ever-engaged in protecting the persona. The persona rules in this world.

Justice is concerned with the mind; the heart remains silent.

The mind speaks legalese while the heart looks on and says nothing.

Our political scene is mental.

Our hearts know the truth.

The heart is what motivates us; the mind is what betrays us.

Society is an illusion.

It is best to leave it alone with its lies and conspiracies. Elections are popularity contests. And the good know this. The world is crumbling and the Age of Dissension is upon us. I, too, am guilty of wanting worldly justice for the guilty, but worldly justice is an impossibility. It cannot uphold the heart’s innocence. Only God can do this.

Government can never reign over the heart.

Vicki Woodyard

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