Time to Come Clean

There is a time in life when it is necessary to come clean, at least to yourself. (And the Self is all there is.)

You must admit that you are afraid of what is going to happen when you come clean. People will fall away from you (and that is a pleasure) and you will be left alone.

These days my journey is becoming shorter and shorter. With only one good friend left, I now sit alone with myself for a good part of each day. It is empowering to do that, let me tell you!

I know that my ego is just a construct designed to prop me up and keep me going. When I no longer need it, I realize that I just thought I did.

Now life can just happen to me in any way that it wants. Everything slows down to a minimum speed. The phone doesn’t ring and my thoughts are not strong enough to pick up the phone and call anyone.

Silence is seeping through the cracks in my once-strong ego.

Rain is pounding against the sliding glass doors as I type.

I listen and keep typing to you, the reader. Has your life slowed down even a little? Do you see that friendship with the world is enmity against God? We fear seeing that, because it makes us look like a loser. But we have always been losers trying to act like winners.

Forget anything and everything but your true nature, now breaking through to you as you read these words.

Something is just now occurring to you; you need nothing but yourself—the ego became toast quite a while ago.

God is now your jam! Rock on.

Vicki Woodyard

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