Being Still and Silence

Human existence has given itself over to mechanical suffering and no wisdom can be found in this. Anything mechanical happens without consent of the soul. The soul knows only what is found in effortless silence and acceptance. Therefore, human existence is noisy and combative.

It is good to see how bad off you are and how your thoughts and feelings are egocentric. Sitting in silence corrects everything because the soul is silence of thoughts and feelings.

Today is Saturday and the world is silent and in search of nothing. God may or may not exist, but the ego definitely does not. It is a mere reflection of our thoughts and feelings.

Rest awhile in your nothingness and see how quiet you become. Be content with nothing, for something engenders pain and suffering.

Yes, the world has gone mad but you can remain apart from it.

Continue this practice for as long as you can each day. Perhaps three minutes is sufficient time or it make take three years. Who knows?

You will reap the fruits of this practice when you hear nothing but silence arising in your mind.

In this silence a great peace descends, but it only descends for you.

You are the sole recipient of this peace.

Sit and see. Sit and be silent.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I have a question. Is silence possible when your brain has slowed to a crawl? At the same time, your fears are so great and your heart is being bombarded with frightening thoughts and scenarios, How is it possible for your diminished reasoning to overcome in that situation? I welcome any input.


    1. “Be still and know that I am God.” Eight words of truth. Your fearful imagination and resistance are part of the human scene. And as Joel Goldsmith said, “God is not in the human scene.”

      No one is perfect; we have all “sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Nevertheless, we are called to be still and we must heed that call as often as possible. The sayings of the Master offer relief and relief from our “thoughts and scenarios.”

      Silence without thought interfering is grace of the Self.


  2. The world is pure chaos. In your reply to Mary, you mentioned that we are called to be still and we must heed that call as often as possible. It is absolutely a calling — no one needs to say they have no calling. We need that time away from “everything” here on earth. Being apart of everything here on earth (no matter how briefly) is receiving
    that wonderful grace and peace of God. Namaste!


    1. Discipline is what we need and we forget that and follow the desires of the moment. We are an undisciplined society, seeking instant gratification and our own way.


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